This morning Mama had to go to the bank with Atuk and Nenek because we had to settle something concerning the deposit box thingy. Mama had to drive because these past two months Atuk was suffering from swollen feet. At first, he thought Gout was the culprit but when Mama's sister came back during the Eid-ul-Adha, she examined him and told us that he had sprained (or strained?) muscle.
It was very taxing indeed for someone who dislikes crowds (people, cars, whatever) to drive to the centre of Kota Bharu town. That's one thing and another thing that Mama loathes to do is to find a parking space. That's not easy to do in Kota Bharu, during the school holidays and during office hours!
Luckily, after waiting patiently for a few minutes, Mama managed to park with the bank only a few doors away.
While Atuk hobbling slowly upstairs, and with Nenek holding his hand, Mama walked behind them. Mama realised there were two persons walking on the other side of the stairs, walking up slowly, also to the same bank. When we reached the top, Mama was so surprised to see the smiling face of Mama's former secondary school Bahasa Melayu teacher and Mama was so touched (Atuk and Nenek too - they told Mama later) when Mama's teacher called Mama 'Na' affectionately. She remembers Mama!
Mama hugged her and she hugged Mama back. We exchanged pleasantries and news. Atuk still remembers her because when Mama and other Kelantanese friends boarded the buses back and forth (Kota Bharu - Kuala Terengganu and vice versa) for our semester holidays, she and other Kelantanese teachers were always with us, looking after us. She was still single then, and Mama's school was her first school.
She asked for the transfer back to Kelantan when Mama was in Form 3. Mama and friends missed her a lot especially Mama's homeroom members. There were only 16 of us in Homeroom E and Mama's teacher treated us like her younger brothers and sisters.
I love you Cikgu. You are a retiree now but in my heart, you are my Cikgu forever.
* Cikgu = Teacher